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Individual States Trivia

Q: In what Louisiana city is the Mardi Gras held?

A: New Orleans.

"We Have A Lot of Money Left" -- Donald Trump Offers To Help Pay Kamala Harris' Reported $20m Presidential Campaign Debt

Conservative News Digest: Such a beneficent man!

FEMA Employee Fired For Bypassing Homes With Trump Signs Says She Was Following Agency Protocol

Conservative News Digest: FEMA officials responsible for this must face legal charges.

Melrose (Massachusetts) High School Teacher Posts On IG That He Hopes Veterans Who Voted For Trump Suffer From PTSD, Calls Parents Who Voted For Trump Racist "Filth"

Conservative News Digest: This guy lives up to the term "Masshole" with his hate.

Comcast to Put MSNBC and Oprah Founded Oxygen Networks Up For Sale in Cable TV Sell Off

Conservative News Digest: From recent ratings, there can't be much value in MSNBC.

MSNBC Ratings Plunge After Trump Election Victory -- As More Than Half of Primetime Audience Flees

Conservative News Digest: Let's hope it holds and Fox continues to surge.

Stocks Soar to Records After Trump's Comeback to White House

Conservative News Digest: Prosperity is coming back already!

Nikki Haley Says Voting for Trump Is 'An Easy Call,' Labels Him 'The Better Choice'

Conservative News Digest: Great to have Haley on the team!

Elon Musk's Mother Calls Harris an 'Embarrassment to Women,' for Her Inability to 'Put a Sentence Together'

Conservative News Digest: Kudos to Mrs. Musk!

Barred From Endorsing Kamala Harris, Journalists Freak Out and Quit Their Jobs

Conservative News Digest: So much for impartial journalists.

Joe Rogan Trump Marathon Interview Garners Staggering 34 Million Views in Two Days

Conservative News Digest: A very good interview!

'He Promises Peace, Not War': Arab and Muslim Leaders Support Trump at Detroit Rally

Let's get back to peace in the Middle East.

Trump Packs Madison Square Garden in Campaign's Final Stretch

Estimates say 75,000 people showed up to the 19,000 capacity venue.

Trump's Genius McDonald's Stunt will Fry Kamala at the Ballot Box

You know it was a huge score when the NYT and other leftists in the media had a meltdown!

Kamala Harris Yelled At Campaign Manager Julie Chavez? Claims Surface

Anyone who has been following Harris over the last few years knows that she has a horrible track record as a boss.

Inside Furious Kamala's Campaign as Infighting Grips Staffers and Trump Emerges as Red-Hot Favorite

The Harris campaign is a disgrace to America. All they can do is lie about Trump instead of creating real solutions for people.

North Korea to Send 10,000 Troops to Help Russia’s War in Ukraine, Zelensky Warns

This could get very intense. We need Trump!

Endangered Democrats Brag About Trump Ties in Final Stretch

Don't trust them!

SpaceX Sues California Agency, Alleging Political Bias Against Musk and Regulatory Overreach

Political persecution and tyranny of the state.

US Border Patrol Agents 'Threaten to Quit En Masse' if Kamala Harris Wins Presidency

This should be front page news. These are the folks who protect our country.

FBI Quietly Revised Violent Crime Data, Now Showing Surge Instead Of Reported Decrease

More proof of fake numbers out of the Biden Administration.

Campus Activist - Conservative News and Politics


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